Second Thots

Sometimes one has to step back, take pause, and have some "second thots"

Thursday, February 23, 2006


America-bashing and the Canadian Supreme Court

Did Trudeau make us into Americans by giving us the Charter? Didn't think so. So how can Harper be doing it now?
I am sick and tired of people describing Harper's public hearing on a Supreme Court of Canada nominee as an 'American style' process.

I am going to try and say this nice and slow so that everyone can catch my meaning:


Before the Charter, we were a parliamentary democracy. Because of the Charter, we turned ourselves into a constitutional democracy -- in the image of the United States of America.

The process we have now of judicial review is essentially a copy of what they have in the States. Yet, has anyone complained that the Charter has created an 'American style' process of judicial review in Canada? No.

Did Trudeau make us into a bunch of Americans by giving us the Charter? Didn't think so. So how can Harper be doing it by simply making the process a little more open than it is now? He can't, unless you're being hypocritical about the whole thing.

In other words: Enough already!

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